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Do I Have Carpal Tunnel?

Carpal Tunnel Quiz

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common condition that affects the hand and wrist, often leading to symptoms like numbness, tingling, and pain. If you’re experiencing discomfort or suspect that you might have CTS, taking a few moments to assess your symptoms can help determine whether you may need further evaluation.
This quick quiz is designed to guide you in understanding your symptoms better.
1. Do you often have numbness, tingling and/or pain in your thumb, index, long, and/or ring fingers?
2. Do these symptoms wake you up at night?
3. Do they get worse when you do activities (i.e. driving, riding a motorcycle/bicycle, cutting the grass, using hand tools)?
4. Do you try to shake out your hand to improve symptoms?
5. Have you noticed weakness in grip strength or difficulty performing tasks such as opening a jar?
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