Carpal Tunnel Pain is making you miserable…
Are you tired of missing out due to carpal tunnel pain? Stop letting the pain, aching, and tingling control your life. Schedule an appointment today with one of our three convenient locations in:
- Green Bay
- Milwaukee
- Fort Myers

You don’t have to live this way...
The Ovation Hand Institute helps patients suffering from Carpal Tunnel pain find relief in as little as 15 minutes.


The Ovation Technique - A safe and effective in-office procedure, designed to minimize the negative effects of typical Carpal Tunnel surgery and leave patients with immediate relief and fast recovery
Immediate Relief
15 minutes
The Ovation Technique can be done in 15 minutes or less. Is 15 minutes worth Carpal Tunnel relief?
Fast Recovery
1 -2 day recovery
With the Ovation Technique, patients typically return to normal activities in 1-2 days.
Safe & Effective
Minimally invasive
The Ovation Technique is not typical Carpal Tunnel surgery -no incisions needed.

15 minute in-office procedure
1-2 day recovery
No surgical incision
Typical Carpal Tunnel Surgery
Performed in an operating room
6+ weeks recovery
Up to 2 inch incision
Hands Relieved from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Pain
The choice is easy...
Are you finally ready for relief that doesn’t limit your life?
Book an appointment with The Ovation Hand Institute to experience the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome pain relief that thousands of other patients like you have.
request an appointment